Improve your night photography skills and explore some great locations in Los Angeles at night!
Veteran night photographers Tom Paiva and Andy Frazer will be leading a night photography workshop in Los Angeles from Friday, Aug 26 through Sunday, Aug 28, 2011. This workshop will include classroom instruction followed by instructor-led photo shoots at different locations each evening. One evening will include a special opportunity to photograph inside a large, petroleum transfer facility which is off-limits to the general public.
Tom Paiva
Tom Paiva is a professional, freelance photographer based in Los Angeles, California where he has been in business for some 20 years. He specializes in large format photography of industrial and maritime settings, as well as architecture and interiors. Tom has over 70 cover images for various Trade Magazines to his credit. read more
Andy Frazer
Andy Frazer has been a night photographer for over ten years. In addition to being a guest lecturer at Nocturnes events and the Mono Lake Night Photography Conference, Andy has been publishing The Night Photography Blog for the past four years. read more